When was the last time you received appreciation? Was it with a note, a gift, a word of encouragement, or a small gift to say “thank you”? Were you thankful someone took the time to recognize your hard work and service? Were you encouraged? Were you reminded that you make a difference? Everyone needs and values appreciation.
Merriam-Webster defines appreciation as “a feeling or expression of admiration, approval, or gratitude; increase in value.” When a teacher is appreciated through an expression of admiration, she seeks to become a better teacher. She sees the impact she’s making in the lives of the children she teaches and those she ministers to. She understands her sacrifice of time, efforts, and energy makes a difference in others’ lives.
A Kid’s Minister’s responsibilities are never-ending. You may wonder how you will be able to work appreciation into your schedule and budget. Will your efforts of appreciating teachers make a difference? The answer is YES! The Lord uses expressions of appreciation to minister and encourage those who serve.
When was the last time you appreciated those who serve in the ministry you lead? Just as you as a leader need encouraging words, volunteers need to feel appreciated as well. We as ministry leaders have a responsibility to value our leaders. Pray and commit to be intentional and value teachers by showing appreciation. Speak an encouraging word. Take time to listen. Write a handwritten note, or give a small token of appreciation. Communicate you appreciate teachers’ time, effort, and willingness to serve the Lord through kids ministry.
Delanee Williams serves as a Ministry Specialist with Lifeway Kids. She is a graduate of Baylor University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Delanee has served in kids ministry for over twenty years and is passionate about developing, equipping and encouraging leaders.