The idea of creating kidmin moments has certainly taken on a new meaning. When I first began thinking about this concept over a year ago, my mind started with what we do in physical environments at church. However, COVID-19 and “Stay at Home” orders have changed the way many of us think about kidmin experiences. The need for kidmin moments has not lessened. In fact, a global pandemic has amplified that need.
The idea of creating “memorable and meaningful” moments is introduced in Dan and Chip Heath’s book, The Power of Moments. The authors illustrate the importance of creating moments with the story of the Magic Castle Hotel in Hollywood, California, which is housed in a former 1950’s era apartment complex.
On the outside, the hotel doesn’t look like much. Apparently what draws families are the amenities. Not only are the rooms converted apartments, the hotel will deliver free snacks to your room anytime day or night. They’ll even launder your clothes for free, wrap them in paper, and deliver them with a sprig of lavender. But, the one feature that creates a “memorable and meaningful” moment for the hotel’s guests? The Popsicle® hotline.
All you have to do is pick up the red phone receiver located in the outdoor swimming pool area and ask for a Popsicle. The icy treats are delivered poolside by a hotel employee wearing white gloves. There’s nothing spectacular about the Popsicles. You can buy them from your local grocery store. What attracts guests is the moment that won’t be forgotten long after the family vacation ends. A moment created by an old-fashioned telephone, a Popsicle on demand, and a friendly delivery person.
Now, what do Popsicles have to do with creating moments in kids ministry? They are a reminder that the work you do is vitally important, because the ministry environment you create is designed to facilitate memorable and meaningful Bible-teaching moments.
Another reminder is found in Mark 10:13-16. In the moment described in these four verses, the disciples learned that Jesus loves everyone. The parents learned that Jesus had time to bless their children. And, the children experienced a moment they probably never would forget—a moment better than a poolside Popsicle.
What kind of kidmin moments are you creating, either virtually during this pandemic season or in person when our churches gather again? Are they mundane or life-changing?
The thing about these kinds of moments is that they are tied to a relationship with an adult who cares enough to show up and teach kids about Jesus’ love. Remember, God calls each of us to give boys and girls weekly opportunities for life changing moments with eternal consequences. And, that is definitely better than a poolside Popsicle!
Landry Holmes is the Manager of Lifeway Kids Ministry Publishing. A graduate of Howard Payne University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Landry served on church staffs before joining Lifeway Kids. He is a church leader, writer, workshop facilitator, and publisher. Landry also teaches children at his church in Middle Tennessee. He and his wife Janetta are the parents of two adult sons and two daughters-in-law, and the grandparents of four adorable grandchildren.