Today we’re going to discuss online teaching platforms, or delivery mechanisms. There are so many great options available, but there are three key things you’ll want to look for when deciding how you are going to teach online.
1. Capabilities and features
The first thing to keep in mind is the platforms capabilities and features. They’re not all the same. Some will give you extra features that are really helpful. For example, some platforms will enable you to have breakout rooms. You could start with a live large group teaching environment and then each of your kids\’ small group leaders could host their own breakout room to do small groups. This would work especially well if you do a large group/small group environment as your normal ministry context because you can copy that format in the online platform. Now, not all platforms offer this capability, so you’ll want to be sure you are finding the option that provides the features that will be best for your ministry.
2. Security
The second thing to look for, is security measures. We heard a lot about security when churches really started to gather online and there were some issues with security. Pretty much all that has been figured out by now, but you still want to keep your eyes out and make sure the platform is secure.
3. Access
Finally, you’ll want a platform that is easy for your families to access and easy for them to use.