By Alyssa Jones
As summer winds to a close and your family prepares for a new school year, create opportunities to intentionally engage your kids. Whether you have 5 minutes or 50 minutes, you can make your time together count. Here are four activities to make memories with your kids and spark spiritual conversations.
Babies and Toddlers: Sing a Bible story song
Sing to the tune of “London Bridge Is Falling Down” :
“Is there anything God can’t do*, God can’t do, God can’t do? Is there anything God can’t do? God can do anything!”
*Substitute “God can save His people” in subsequent rounds.
Read it: Exodus 2:1-3,5-6,10
Think about it: Who did God use to rescue His people from Egypt? Who did God send to rescue us from sin?
Preschool: Take a dip
Fill a wading pool with water or complete this activity at bath time. Provide people figures and encourage kids to dip the figures into the water as you count together to seven. If your kids are comfortable in the water, let them dip their faces into the water and blow bubbles.
Read it: Read aloud 2 Kings 5:1,10,14-15.
Think about it: Who made our bodies and can heal them? How can we take care of our bodies? Why do you think God wants us to take care of ourselves?
Younger Kids: Servant relay
Position a chair across the room from your child. Give your child a serving tray with five empty plastic cups. Explain that when you say go, she should carry the tray to the other side of the room, around the chair, and back. Then she will pass the tray to a family member who will do the same. Continue for each family member. If the cups fall off the tray, the player must stop and reposition them before continuing. For an added challenge, put silverware on the chair for the player to add to her tray as she passes by. How quickly can kids move the tray without losing the cups?
Read it: Read aloud or choose a kid to read Isaiah 53:1-6.
Think about it: What does it mean to be a servant? How was Jesus a servant on earth? How can we serve others?
Older Kids: Four corners obstacle course
Create an indoor obstacle course by using tape to mark a path through the room. Use chairs or furniture as obstacles for kids to go around, under, or over.
Guide two to four family members to hold the corners of a small towel or floor mat and balance a foam ball in the center of each mat.
Challenge family members to transport the ball through the obstacle course without letting go of the mat. If the ball rolls off the mat, players should start over.
Read it: Read aloud or choose a kid to read Matthew 9:1-8.
Think about it: What did the paralyzed man need? What did Jesus give him? How can we receive forgiveness from God?
Alyssa Jones worships and serves with her husband at Refuge Franklin, a church plant outside of Nashville, Tennessee. They have three children.