Well this has been a weird year, and from the looks of it, it could be weird again. Kids across the country are getting ready to go back to school, many live and in person. While that might not be true of the kids in your particular ministry area, there are ways for you to minister to kids as they begin this new school year in whatever fashion it comes. Here are a few thoughts that might get you started.
- Pray! Prayer obviously is the greatest thing we can do as kids begin this transition. Let the kids hear you pray for them and their schools. Make it a point to pray by name for the kids in your ministry as they get ready for this next step of their educational journey. Pray for the teachers and the administrators at the various schools and pray for the moms and dads that homeschool. Pray for the congregation to come alongside the girls and boys as they learn. Bathe the entire educational year in prayer.
- Have a special back to school kickoff event. Kids love a fun event, and secretly parents do too. At your event you can provide kids with a bag full of school supplies or other fun things they can use as they begin their school year. Engage with local schools to discover some of the things that might specifically be needed and try to provide some of those items to the schools. Get the kids involved in collecting items for school needs.
- Appreciate educators in your congregation. Take time in corporate worship to identify and offer appreciation for the members in your church that teach, work in the school system somehow, and the parents that homeschool their kids!
- Continue to care. Provide opportunities throughout the school year for kids and parents to talk about their experiences. Don’t just forget about school once it starts, make sure the kids know you care!
What are some ways you are planning to continue ministry to kids as they start back to school?