by Kayla Stevens
Resilient faith grows from strategic practice. When we are shaken by our circumstances, ministry weariness, unexpected change, and struggle, it is our continual, ordinary practices that lead us to endure—to grow strong and healthy again and again.
I long for resilient faith in my ministry. I would venture to guess that if you’re like me, your last few years of ministry have seen moments of spiritual milestones and celebrations and moments of discouragement and change. It is important that we make space to hold both as we consider how to pray for the coming year.
Hebrews 12:1 reminds us to “run with endurance the race that lies before us.”
As we plan for the coming year of ministry goals, let’s plan to incorporate strategic practices of prayer in our ministries. We need and want resilient faith to minister to our children and parents.
Resilient Faith for Families
- Pray for families to have a renewed hunger to love and read God’s Word together.
- Pray for marriages to be strengthened and flourish in a renewed commitment to godliness.
- Pray for single parents to be encouraged and strengthened by faithful community.
- Pray for siblings to love and serve one another with grateful hearts.
- Pray for kids to grow in bold faith as they ask questions about God and the Bible, learning to trust God when the answers are sometimes confusing.
Resilient Faith for Kids Leaders and Volunteers
- Pray for leaders to grow in a renewed commitment to their relationship with God.
- Pray for leaders to engage with the kids they teach, being sensitive to the needs of each child.
- Pray for leaders and volunteers to build relationships with others in their sphere of influence, both with parents and other leaders they serve alongside.
- Pray for the physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional heath of your leaders and volunteers.
- Pray for God to provide fresh vision for leaders and volunteers as they serve and equip this generation to know and love God.
Resilient Faith for Pastor(s) and Church Staff
- Pray for your pastor and church staff to walk in faithful obedience to God’s mission for the church.
- Pray for your pastor and church staff to engage in deeper discipleship and accountability with trusted believers.
- Pray for your pastor and church staff to find their identity in their relationship with God and to guard against pleasing others.
- Pray for your pastor and church staff to lead in ministry areas with humility, grace, and authenticity.
- Pray for your pastor and church staff as they prepare to lead each week.
Resilient Faith for Your Kids Ministry Leader (aka: You!)
- Pray for your faith to be refreshed and encouraged as you lead.
- Pray for God to provide wisdom as you plan and prepare for the future of the ministry.
- Pray for balance in your ministry and personal life.
- Pray for God to strengthen your endurance to run well in the ministry He has entrusted to you.
- Pray for your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing, that God would sustain you and give you fresh excitement for the year ahead.
Two practical tools for accomplishing your prayer goals.
- Journal your prayers. Write out your requests, all of them, in detail. Revisit your journal with updates to your prayer requests and record any answers or victories the Lord has brought to you.
- Partner in prayer. Find another friend or kids ministry leader to pray with you each week. Find a parent that has a great heart for children and the church and pray with them as well. This gives greater encouragement in prayer as well as a good accountability in prayer.
As we begin again in this coming year, may we do so with prayerful resilient faith that sustains us as we depend on God and trust in His leading.
Kayla Stevens is a Content Editor for Lifeway Kids and a graduate of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. She has contributed to several books and Bible studies including What about Kids Ministry? Practical Answers to Questions about Kids Ministry (2018), What is a Christian? Answers for Kids (2018), and Behold Your King (2020). She has been serving in Kids Ministry for over 14 years and has a deep passion for empowering children to own their faith and grow deeper in the joy of Jesus.