It’s really hard to believe that it’s 2023! A new year brings goals of New Year resolutions and habits. I want to encourage you to prioritize praying for the Bible Study leaders in your kids ministry in the upcoming year. Use the prayer prompts listed below as you pray for leaders in your kids ministry.
Praying for kids ministry teachers:
- Pray they would hear God’s voice as they read His Word and prepare the lessons. Pray for their spiritual growth and relationship with Christ.
- Pray they will see ways God is using them to make a difference in kids’ lives. When people share with you encouraging words about a teacher, make sure to pass it along to the teachers.
- Pray for renewed strength, energy, and health as they teach each week. Include their family members’ strength, energy, and health in your prayers, too.
- Pray God would encourage them with time of adult fellowship and godly friendships. Our teachers need adult fellowship and community with other believers.
As you pray for them regularly, ask how you can specifically pray for them. Then, let them know you’re praying for them. Send a handwritten note, an email, or a text. If possible, pray with them aloud; let them hear you pray for them, whether it’s in person or over the phone. God uses you to minister to the teachers as you pray for them.
Throughout the year, praise God for His faithfulness in hearing and answering prayers. Thank Him for the deepened friendships and the sense of community developed through praying for one another.
Involve others in praying for leaders in the children’s ministry. Share these prayer prompts with children’s parents, other church staff members, and church members. Remind them of the opportunity they have to encourage children’s teachers by praying for them. Suggest they pray for them regularly and develop a new habit of praying for children’s ministry leaders in 2023.
Delanee Williams serves as a Ministry Specialist with Lifeway Kids. She is a graduate of Baylor University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Delanee has served in kids ministry for over twenty years and is passionate about developing, equipping and encouraging leaders.