It is officially summer, and your ministry teams are gearing up, gathering volunteers, and gaining momentum in your church for all things VBS.
Many of you are preparing for an amazing week of connecting kids with Jesus at Twists & Turns VBS and we are cheering for you and your team as you get ready to spin the spinner, beat the clock, skip ahead, level up, and play to win!
You’ll need to bring your A-game for this VBS! Twists & Turns is a fantastical celebration of discovering how trusting Jesus as Savior and following Him changes the game.
Kids will play their way through VBS in fun locations such as the Bible Study Game Room, Wild Card Crafts, Multi-player Missions, and Skip Ahead Snacks! But more importantly, they’ll see Jesus through the eyes of one of His closest friends. No matter your budget, there are so many possibilities to bring life into the spaces where kids will sing, snack, play, and hear the life-changing truth of the gospel. Share on X
Decorations can play a significant role in setting the theme and building excitement in your church and community, but they don’t have to be stressful to be super. No matter your budget, there are so many possibilities to bring life into the spaces where kids will sing, snack, play, and hear the life-changing truth of the gospel.
This year’s Twists & Turns game theme will speak to everyone, and you will find that with a bit of imagination and fun, your spaces will come to life no matter your size or resources.
Twists & Turns VBS includes games of every kind which means you can incorporate almost any type of game into your decorations. From classic board games, family card games, puzzles, escape games, video games, jacks, checkers, marbles and more! Pick your favorites and feature them in fun ways throughout your church.
As you select which games to feature, you may introduce the next generation to a classic game they have never heard of. And watch them discover a new (old) favorite!
Easy ways to get started now:
- Plan early and share your vision
- Delegate the decorating and spread the theme throughout classrooms, hallways, common areas, and registration without overwhelming your team
- Create a resource list for donations from church members or community
- Share decorations with other churches
- Have a competition for classroom door decorations
Lifeway’s gospel-centered and expert-vetted VBS prepares your leaders with trustworthy Bible-teaching. Kids will have a blast while every activity, Bible lesson, and song points them to Jesus.
Your investment of time, your commitment to teach biblical truth, and the lasting memories you create in the lives of kids is impacting the next generation. We are grateful for you!
Look for quick and easy ideas to level up your VBS space inside Decorating Made Easy, filled with ideas to fit any skill level, space, or budget— no matter the size of your VBS! You’ll find everything you need to create your rotation environments with detailed instructions for recreating the decorations you’ll see on the VBS 2023 videos.