By: Jeremy Carroll
VBS brings life and energy to our churches in ways nothing else can. It’s fun for kids, families, volunteers, and the whole church! Through VBS, we hear conversations about Jesus happen in large groups, such as Worship Rally, and in smaller groups or one-on-one in crafts, recreation, missions, music, snacks, and even in hallways. Lifeway is committed to creating VBS resources that ministry leaders can count on year after year. The following are seven distinctives that guide the development of every Lifeway VBS.
Every element of VBS-from Bible study to crafts, to music, to recreation-is carefully crafted to create intentional gospel touchpoints every day of VBS.
Trustworthy Content:
All aspects of VBS are written, developed, and vetted by experts to ensure content is theologically, educationally, and developmentally sound.
For All Ages:
Every age group has unique needs that are best addressed through age-specific resources, including interactive Bible stories and activities for children (birth-6th grade), students (7th-12th grades), and adults. Lifeway VBS also offers curriculum tailored especially for children and adults with special needs.
In-depth Bible Study:
Small group activities are designed to engage each age group in applying God’s Word to everyday life in age-appropriate, accessible ways.
Flexible and Customizable:
Daily teaching plans are written in a large group/small group format with plenty of options that allow teachers to choose the best activities for their group.
Equips Parents:
The goal for VBS is to impact families and to equip parents to lead their children’s spiritual development. We provide parents with the tools to continue spiritual conversations at home.
Custom Music:
Each year VBS songs are written exclusively for Lifeway VBS to engage children in singable truths from Scripture. Each song aligns with the daily Bible teaching to help capture biblical truth in the minds and hearts of kids for a lifetime.
Lifeway VBS is committed to providing resources that make the gospel accessible for all ages and bringing fun to churches in a variety of ways. Explore our offerings here!