How to Create a Culture in Your Ministry
Todd Adkins joins the podcast to discuss ways to create culture in your ministry.
Todd Adkins joins the podcast to discuss ways to create culture in your ministry.
Keiron Miles joins the podcast to discuss different ways to help make the transition between KidsMinistry to Student Ministry.
The word legacy refers to anything that is handed down from the past. It can be property, money, good looks, talents—even behaviors such as …
Landry Holmes The Israelites were ready to move in. Comprised of 12 tribes, they had wandered in the wilderness for 40 years. The time had come to …
Finally, a whole book devoted to Levels of Biblical Learning! I am honored to have played a small part in the new book Every Age Every Stage: Teaching …
Preparing for a session is one of the most important aspects of a teacher’s ministry. In this post, a suggested rhythm of preparing throughout the …
I knew God called me to ministry. I knew He had placed a burden in my heart specifically for kids ministry, and I realized that He had gifted me with …
The genuine heartbeat and ultimate motivation behind the Lifeway Kids team is to equip the church for more effective ministry to kids and families. …
Working together as a team is not the latest management fad, but springs from the heart of the biblical concept of leadership within the church. Check …
Happy New Year! Don’t you just love the beginning of a new Sunday School year and all it brings—meeting new kids, new parents, and of course, new …
It’s that time of year where we’re all searching for and enlisting new teachers for our ongoing Bible study classes. Below are some “basics” that …
Deeply hurt, Hannah prayed to the Lord and wept with many tears. Making a vow, she pleaded, “Lord of Hosts, if You will take notice of Your servant’s …