Growing in God’s Word: Teaching the Bible the Way Kids Learn
As kids grow, their understanding of foundational truth grows with them. In this episode of the Lifeway Kids podcast, Chuck Peters, Jana Magruder, and …
As kids grow, their understanding of foundational truth grows with them. In this episode of the Lifeway Kids podcast, Chuck Peters, Jana Magruder, and …
Here at Lifeway Kids, we consider the camp experience to be a mile-marker event in the life of a kid! We love camp at Lifeway Kids and if you are …
Sometimes, in children’s ministry, we wait to take kids deeper, assuming that the next leader, say, the student pastor, will handle that. What …
We don\’t know how to begin this post. We can only say that you need to listen to this above almost all of the podcasts that we\’ve posted …
Don’t go it alone. Don’t spread yourself thin. Surround yourself with good people. These are all words of advice that are often ignored in …
Don’t dumb it down. Very often, good doctrine and theology are sacrificed on the altar of creativity. It doesn\’t have to be that way. You …
Leaders in the church often talk about missional living. But how do we let this play out when it comes to our kids? Do we cast the vision of living …
Most followers of Jesus begin their journey during or following a mountain-top experience. Many believers are reminded of the essence of their journey …
Hebrews 10:25 is a very prescriptive verse in scripture. Paul gives the church a charge to not forsake the gathering of the saints. The interesting …
What are the key components in the discipleship of a kid? A child’s own devotional life? Showing them how to serve? Teaching them to navigate …
We hype it! We prep for it! Thousands of work-hours are put into it. Some begin planning the next as soon as the last is over. In fact, this blog was …
The Levels of Biblical Learning® provide a framework for how kids learn that is applicable in both the church and the home. - Jeff Land
Seminary …