Science and the Bible: Lava Lamps and Moses
I love object lessons for teaching kids. Here is a science experiment for making a homemade lava lamp to help you in teaching the story of Moses and …
I love object lessons for teaching kids. Here is a science experiment for making a homemade lava lamp to help you in teaching the story of Moses and …
Wouldn’t you love to walk on water? I’ve always imagined what it would be like. I saw this experiment recently and thought that it would be a good way …
I love the story of Jonah and the big fish. I’ve always been intrigued by what it must have been like in the belly of the fish for three days. …
Is it possible to stab a potato or other hard vegetable with a straw and not only pierce the veggie, but actually force the straw all the way through …
My kids love those “super bouncy” balls that you can buy in machines at restaurants. Every time we go out to eat, they beg us for a quarter to use in …
The story of Noah is so interesting to kids. From the animals, to the ark, to the beautiful rainbow as the sign of God’s covenant; the story of Noah …