CentriKid Camps are underway again this summer and kids are learning about “Blueprint: God’s Design.” Each year we are able to serve hundreds of churches and thousands of campers with Bible Study, Recreation, and Worship each night. The best days of summer really are at CentriKid Camps!
Track Times and Bible Study are great times when kids are hearing the gospel while participating in fun activities. Worship has also been a powerful experience where kids are taught about what it means to be God’s workmanship, and how we are completely forgiven. We’ve already heard from churches after camp about over 100 campers who began a relationship with Christ for the very first time while at CentriKid! That’s something to celebrate!
Kids in the Sign Language Track Time perform in Closing on Day 5 at camp and it is a really special time as they share what they’ve learned all week in front of the camp.
CentriKid is having an impact on the adults who attend camp too! One mom who attended camp in Kentucky with her church group said: “my 6th grader is thoroughly embarrassed (by me), and my 3rd-grade daughter thinks I’m cool stuff.”
We would love to serve your group at camp next summer, and registration is already open for 2019. Check out all the dates and locations at centrikid.com and sign up today! Contact our team anytime by email at [email protected] with logistical questions, parent questions, or anything else that we can help you with.
Jeremy Echols leads the CentriKid Camps team and manages the Lifeway Kids events. He, his wife Emily, and their precious daughter love their church, their neighborhood, and spending time together. Jeremy loves to read, watch sports, and grill burgers.