by Shelly Harris
Many families are staying at home, but that doesn’t mean that Bible learning stops. In fact as kids’ ministry leaders, we can equip parents to engage their kids in Bible learning. Here is a fun game you can provide parents to help them lead their kids’ spiritual formation.
Game Supplies: basket, honey, water, plant, stuffed animal, cotton balls/wool item, something with wheels, candle, toy boat, bread/cracker, first aid kit, a rock, a Bible
Instructions: Allow kids to search for the needed items. You may want to assign each kid specific items to find to ensure that everyone is able to participate. Then challenge family members to name Bible stories that are related to the item. Keep a count as you play to see which item had the most Bible story connections. Family members can name a Bible story more than once as long as it connects to each item.
Possible Stories
Basket: Baby Moses, Paul Escaped Damascus, The Sermon on the Mount, Amos’ Visions
Honey: Samson, John the Baptist
Water: The Red Sea, The Parting of the Jordan River, Jesus’ Baptism, Noah
Stuffed animal: Noah, Creation, Daniel and the Lion’s Den, The Triumphal Entry, Peter and Cornelius
Plant: Creation, Baby Moses, The New Creation
Cotton balls/Wool item: The Good Shepherd, David, The Shepherds Visited Baby Jesus
Something with Wheels: Philip and the Ethiopian, Elijah and the Whirlwind, The Red Sea
Candle: The Fiery Furnace, God Led the Israelites, Elijah on Mount Carmel
Toy boat: Jesus Calmed a Storm, Jesus and the Disciples Ate Breakfast
Bread/Cracker: Passover, Jesus Fed 5000, God Provided Manna, Elijah and the Widow’s Oil
First Aid Kit: Jesus Healed Ten Lepers, Jesus Healed Blind Bartimaeus, Elisha Raised the Widow’s Son, Namaan Was Healed
Rock: Water from a Rock, Crossing the Jordan, The Temptation of Jesus, Lazarus, Jesus’ Resurrection
Discussion: Conclude the game by reminding kids of these Bible truths: The Bible helps us know more about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Bible truths never change. The Bible teaches us how to live. The Bible tells that God sent Jesus to earth because He loves all people.
Game Option: You can also play this game by naming a Bible story and leading kids to search for an item that reminds them of the story.