Churches throughout the Southern Baptist Convention will celebrate children’s ministry (ages birth—preteen) on Sunday, July 18, 2021. This is a great day to thank God for the ministry your church provides to kids, their families, and volunteers. Use this day to remind kids of their importance to the church and to honor kids ministry volunteers who invest in the lives of kids and their families. Recognize and honor kids ministry volunteers who invest in the lives of children and their families.
Here are some ways to celebrate Children’s Ministry Day in your church:
- Appreciate volunteers by using the downloadable ideas provided.
- Enlist a kid, volunteer, or family to share a testimony in the Sunday service.
- Include kids in opportunities to serve in church such as reading Scripture, praying, etc.
- Lead a parenting class using the resource Settle for Nothing Less (virtually or in person).
- Recognize events that have taken place during the summer such as VBS and camp. Share with the church how these events fit into the overall strategy of your children’s ministry to share the gospel with kids.
- Create and share a video highlighting the different parts of kids ministry.
- Recognize how kids, their families, and teachers ministered to others in the church and community during the last year.
- Remind parents of ways the children’s ministry continues to provide resources and curriculum for their children (in person or digitally).
- Use the provided object lesson and sermon outline in church services.