By: Crystal Mazzuca
You Are Here for THIS!
“We are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10
You are here for a purpose.
You are working with preschoolers and kids, serving the church, and doing what you do time after time for a purpose. Every time you show up, every time you step up, and every time you say yes, God is working through you. You are here for this!
It doesn’t always feel like that though, does it? Sometimes the kids don’t seem to want to listen, the church doesn’t seem to notice, or what you do over and over feels stressful and difficult. However, you can take heart and be encouraged.
You Are Important
“Research indicates that children who feel connected to several adults at church while growing up are more likely to become spiritually healthy young adults.” Flip the Script.
Every time you invest in children through teaching, playing, talking, and caring, you are making a difference. God is working through you to influence and impact kids. Your service in ministry is planting seeds that will help kids grow in their faith for years to come. You are more important than you can imagine.
You Are Where You’re Meant to Be
Whether you’re living where you are for a reason or for a season, you can be confident that it’s not a mistake. In His sovereignty, God has placed you in your community, your church, and your position on purpose. As David wrote in Psalm 16:6, “Indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.” While you may not know what the future holds, you can be confident that today God has incredible plans for you right where you are.
When you rejoice over where God has you, it can overflow to serving with an all-in mindset that others notice. Kids, families, volunteers, and church members are impacted by your faithfulness. You can trust that you are where God wants you to be and doing the work that He wants you to do.
You Are a Part of God’s Plan
What you’re doing in ministry is no small feat. It isn’t easy, and it’s sometimes draining. However, you can be confident that you are a part of God’s plan. He made you who you are, gifted you the way He did, and called you to serve. He has an amazing plan to help others know, love, and follow Him, and you are a part of that plan.
What you do matters. You matter. God is working through you to reach kids, families, and your church. You are here for this!
Crystal Mazzuca is the Content Editor and Resource Specialist for Lifeway’s NextGen resource Hyfi. With an MA in Christian Education Administration, she has a passion to encourage and equip leaders to impact the next generation for Christ. She’s spent the last 20 years in Kids, Student, and Family Ministry and loves serving both the big C church and her local church in Olympia, WA. Crystal loves reading, going to the beach, and playing video games with her 3 sons.