To continue our Gospel Project series this week, I thought I\’d point you to this great testimonial from Jeremy Pollard, Kids Minister at The Summit Church in Durham, North Carolina.
We had the great honor to chat in person with Jeremy recently, and he agreed to write a guest post for our blog. We are so grateful!
Finding the perfect children’s ministry curriculum….that’s the journey I have been on for the last 4 years of my life. As a Kids Pastor, there seems to be curriculum issues every week. Whether you encounter poor supplemental material (i.e. music, video elements, etc.), moralistic themes, a schedule that doesn’t fit your church, or a lack of depth, we all have these struggles at one point or another. No matter what the concern is, we are always looking to improve the way in which we train and disciple our kids.
Click here to read the rest of Jeremy’s post.
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