A few days ago, Jana gave us a great missional idea for Halloween. I love it when a church really gets it and reaches out to the community. Jana likes to get out and about in her neighborhood. Your church may do that by opening your church doors and inviting the neighborhood in, and that’s great, too! There are countless ways to do it! The point is, just be the light!
Today, I want to offer a few ideas to help you get those creative juices flowing!
- Take your entire Fall Festival or Celebration, whatever you like to call it, into a neighborhood park, much like a Backyard Kids Club you’d do for VBS – bounce houses, games, food – the whole thing. Put the word out through the neighborhood that you’re going to be there, and then get ready! If you build it, they WILL come!
- Many churches like to do Trunk or Treats in their parking lot. How about taking that into a mall or sports complex parking lot?
- Encourage teachers to invite their small groups to their homes, have a light dinner, and then go out trick or treating in the neighborhood together. Ask some parents to go out with the kids while some stay at the house to give out treats. This is a great way to help parents connect with the teachers and with each other.
- Put up a water station or hot chocolate tent in your yard. Include some quilts, lawn chairs, or sports chairs for weary parents to rest for a moment! This is a great opportunity to build relationships with your neighbors.
- Include a photo booth in your celebration. All you need is a camera and a large frame. Take pictures of trick-or-treaters (only of those accompanied by parents). Be sure to get names/telephone numbers/e-mail addresses and/or street addresses so that you can e-mail, message, or snail-mail their pics to them. Added bonus is that you can add a place on your registration card to ask if they have a church they attend. If not, be sure to follow -up with info about your church!
- (Your idea here! Share!)
Go. Be the Salt and the Light!
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