Everyone knows who Jesus is, right? I mean, we live in America! In the Bible Belt!
That’s what I thought until I met him, the boy from the inner city neighborhood that housed our church. Our kindergartners were happily singing VBS songs, and I was so proud of what great teaching we had done. That’s when he asked it, the question that changed the way I would look at teaching kids forever. “Who‘s this ‘Jesus’ we’re singing about?” he asked.
It hit me hard. I had grown comfortable teaching children “like mine” who were in church every week. I had completely missed the mark when it came to reaching kids who look and live differently than me. Those kids who are concerned, not about what they’re having for lunch, but if they’re having lunch. Those kids who have never heard of Jesus. That’s what it’s all about.
If we\’re not careful, we can become so concerned over programming and scheduling to meet the needs of our own congregation that we overlook those on the outside literally dying to fit in somewhere – so why not here? Someone, somewhere, will make that child feel welcomed. It could be a gang, a prostitution ring, a drug dealer — or it could be small group from your kids ministry that reaches out where he is and helps him get to where God wants him to be.
The holidays are coming soon. They can be the most wonderful time of the year or the loneliest time of a child’s life. As you start scheduling events, challenge your team to think outside the box – outside the walls – to welcome in those kids who may be wondering: Who’s this Jesus you’re singing about?
As always…I\’d love to hear what you’re doing to reach out. Please share a comment!
That was the exact question I asked before I was saved. In desperation, I visited a church that my boyfriend’s parents went to. A woman was singing about Jesus as if she knew Him, but I knew very little about Him from my limited Catholic upbringing. Later on, in a different state, a coworker gave me the Jesus video to view. I was able to see who Jesus really was. I said the prayer at the end, unaware of how my life would change for the good after that. Now, I tell kids about Jesus. :o)
Lee Ann Harris
Thank you, Klista!
Klista Storts
Thank you, Lee Ann! 🙂
As my Pastor says, ‘How soon we forget’. Thank you for an inspiring, slap me awake statement!
Thanks, Rodney! We do forget, don’t we. I’m so thankful for children who remind us daily!
We experienced something like this a few years ago at our VBS. Twin boys about 5 or 6 years of age came to our VBS. They had never heard of Jesus. I am thankful we had a teacher who spent a little extra time telling them about Jesus. They were like little human sponges, taking in all the knowledge they could get. It was like they couldn’t learn enough. Soon after VBS, they moved away. I hope we instilled enough information that made them want to learn more about ‘this Jesus we were talking and singing about”.
Thanks for sharing, Reba. So thankful for teachers who share the love of Jesus. Seeds were definitely planted! Can’t wait to see the harvest when we all get to Heaven!