As the new year rolls in, what better way to discuss resolutions with kids than to talk about developing new habits and disciplines.
Continuing with our series on Spiritual Disciplines with kids, service is such an important part of modeling the most important commandments — Love the Lord God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself. Kids need to understand that once they become part of God’s family, they are part of the body of Christ. This means they get to be the hands and feet of Jesus by serving and helping others to know Him.
Here are three simple ways to incorporate the spiritual discipline of service into the daily life:
1. Action
The saying goes, Wherever the need, is the call. Therefore, teach children to be aware of those in need around them. This could mean physical work for a single mom, writing letters to someone who lost a loved one, playing with a lonely classmate or just carrying books for a classmate who is disabled.
2. Giving
A big part of serving is giving. Teach kids to give by teaching them to tithe to their church home, donating items and/or money to various causes that help those in need, or participating in fundraisers that contribute to the kingdom.
3. Praying
Remember to follow up acts of service by praying with kids. This is the next step that helps children continue to have a heart for those in need. Pray for those who are poor and hungry, for those who have experienced loss, for those who do not know Jesus and for the missionaries who are serving around the world.
Most importantly pray that the kids in your life would have a heart to serve and let that begin by us modeling and prioritizing the spiritual discipline of service in our own lives.
Read other posts in the Spiritual Disciplines series.
Jana Magruder serves as the Director of Kids Ministry Publishing. Jana, her husband, and their three kids moved to Nashville from Austin, Texas where she served as the director of children’s ministry at the west campus of Austin Stone Community Church. Jana brings a wealth of experience and passion for kids, kids ministry, and the local church.
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