When I was on church staff, I loved promotion Sunday. Like kids who wake up excited for the first day of the new school year, I was always excited about the new church year. I loved watching kids excitedly go to their new classes and meet their new teachers. Here are three fun ideas for promotion Sunday.
1. Host a “Do-Nut Forget” Party.
Make a postcard with the words “Do-Nut Forget to Come to Church this Sunday! Donuts and juice provided.” Provide breakfast for your kids in the hallway of the kids ministry area. Have parents and volunteers help kids find their new classrooms.
2. Color-Code Classrooms.
Purchase a different color of masking tape for each classroom that you have. Create a large “start” sign and place it on the floor. From the starting point, draw a line with the masking tape on the floor to each classroom. During the week before promotion Sunday send out personalized postcards to each child that say: “Find your new class by looking for the _____ (fill-in color) line!” Make it fun for non-readers by coloring the color the kids are looking for instead of writing it out. Tell teachers for each class what color their class line will be so that they can wear that color on Sunday. (P.S. I actually did this at my church and it was awesome!)
3. Have Promotion Sundaes.
Provide supplies for each classroom to have a promotion Sundae party. This is a great way for kids and teachers to get to know each other. Be mindful of food allergies and make sure that every kid has some sort of snack he or she can eat.
Jeff Land loves Life! That’s pretty great, because his job here at Lifeway is the Team Leader for Bible Studies for Life: Kids. Jeff loves his life which is so blessed by his amazing wife, Abbey, and their four sons, Reed, Nash, Will, and Tuck. A natural encourager and fun-lover, look for Jeff’s posts about teacher appreciation and game ideas. When not serving at work, Jeff serves 2nd graders at his church, First Baptist Church, Joelton, TN.
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