You probably got into kids ministry because you have a passion for communicating the truth of God’s Word to children. People who are drawn to careers in kids ministry are often gifted at leading classroom sessions that center around teaching, storytelling, creative facilitation of crafts and hands-on learning activities, and building relationships with children. Chances are you feel a sense of calling to kids ministry because you have been bestowed with the gift of communication and connection with kids, and when you work within your giftedness you are energized.
When gifted teachers transition into full-time kids pastors, however, many discover that the job they believed would be exhilarating is exhausting instead. Most in this category do not know exactly why they feel unsatisfied, but I have a theory. I believe many kids pastors struggle with dissatisfaction because they spend only a small portion of their time interacting with children.
It is important to take an eyes-wide-open approach that lets you see where your time goes. The best way to do this is to keep a daily log of your activities, noting how much time each task takes, and then assess what you find. Performing a time study will help you see what you are currently doing, and it will help you identify areas that are taking more time than they should, and others that need more of your attention. Begin by taking a few moments to evaluate your typical work week using estimations from memory using this list of task categories. How many hours per week do you spend in each of these areas? Feel free to add to this list or remove categories as you like. You can do this on paper, but I recommend using a spreadsheet (like Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel) so you can generate a chart to visualize the results.
Set up your spreadsheet like this, and enter your time estimates in hours per week.
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