Hey leaders, parents, and anybody else who happens to be reading this post, here is some helpful information you can pass along to the kids in your sphere of influence with tips on how they can share their faith. Wait, what? Kids sharing their faith? We grownups sometimes don’t do a good job of sharing our faith with others so how can we encourage kids to do it? If you fall into this category then these tips might be helpful to you as well. Get REAL!
- Relationships. Get to know people. Getting to know people is the easiest way for you to start a conversation about your faith. Developing relationships with others is pretty easy if you treat them as the Bible tells us to—the way you want to be treated. For kids, this is usually a lot easier than it is for adults. Get to know someone and find some common ground to begin your spiritual discussions.
- Experience. Your experience with Christ is your very own, you don’t need to make up the story of what happened to you, nor do you need to worry about what others think. The story of your experience with Christ can be shared with confidence.
- Ask. Ask questions not just to get to know the person you are talking to, but ask questions to elicit understanding from the person you are talking to. See if the story you shared made sense to them and ask if your friend has any questions of their own.
- Laugh. I’m a big believer in laughter; I love to do it! Laughter opens up many doors and brings ease and comfort in sometimes uncomfortable situations. Now, you don’t have to start with a joke, but laughter helps a conversation move naturally from place to place. If you are having fun and enjoying each others company it will be easier to share about your faith in a way that is more natural and comfortable.
If we get REAL with our faith sharing and encourage kids to do the same, they will be more comfortable sharing the message of Jesus with others as they grow and mature. Remember, the story you are sharing is the greatest story every told and you should be excited and honored to be able to share it with others. God bless you as you tell others about His love!
Tim Pollard teaches 3rd-6th graders Explore the Bible: Kids Worship on Sunday nights at Tulip Grove Baptist Church. He’s passionate about helping kids dig deep into Scripture, which he pursues through his daily work as leader of the Explore the Bible: Kids team. Tim lives with his wife and daughters in Mount Juliet, TN.