I know you.
You’re anxious.
You’re worried.
But not for yourself. You’re concerned instead for everyone around you—your family, your volunteers, kids in your ministry, the world.
I’m sure you’ve heard the advice from flight attendants saying in case of loss of oxygen to put on your own mask before helping those nearby—even your own kids. I’ve often wondered if I could do that. (Praying I never have to find out!) But it makes sense. If you’re gasping for air, you can’t help anyone. Even if you want to.
Many times, those who serve in ministry feel neglectful and even guilty when taking time to care for themselves. But if your goal is to be like Jesus, and I’m pretty sure it is, you need to model even your selfcare after Him.
Jesus took time to be with those closest to Him. To rest. To talk with the Father. Yes, He was Emmanuel, God with us, but He was also human. Jesus knew if He was going to carry out what His Father had planned, He needed rest. Time away. Encouragement from His Father.
These past few weeks have been hard. No doubt that the ministry side of you kicked in and kicked in big time. You’ve been searching for ways to carry on your ministry. In fact, you’re most likely consumed with it.
Stop. At least for a bit. Even if it’s just a few minutes each day. Stop.
Consider choosing one or more of these ways to care for yourself so that you can be at your best to care for others.
· Sleep late!
· Exercise
· Read (for fun and inspiration – not work!)
· Allow others to minister to you
· Seek time with the Father
That last point. Look at it again. Especially the first word—Seek. Even with all the time in the world available right now, if you’re not intentional about seeking God, it won’t happen. Listed below are very few of the many, many verses given to us for “such a time as this.”
Jeremiah 17:7-8
Mark 6:31-32
Mark 1:35
1 Peter 3:4
Philippians 4:6-8
John 15:4 (My version of this is: “Apart from Him I’m just a stick.)
I’m sure you have your favorites, and I’d love to read them. Please share! We’re all in this together. Take care of yourselves, my friends. We need you!