I used to love that song! Of course, it came out in 1984 (when I was 10 years old) and what does a 10 year old know about inspiration??
Music has always been a source of inspiration in my life. Growing up as a minister of music’s daughter, there was always music in our home – it was just a part of everyday life. I remember having favorite hymns – I always wanted to sing "Pass It On" or "Holy, Holy, Holy"
At different times in my life, different songs have been inspiring to me. While I was in college, there was an album from a group called "Sons and Daughters" (you may know them now as Christy and Nathan Nockels or Watermark and Charlie Hall) called Holy Roar – That whole album was an inspiration to me. I would recommend it to you, but I\’m not sure you can still get it!
Some other songs that have been inspirations to me:
Mighty to Save (Hillsong)
Restless (Audrey Assad)
Hosanna – Praise is Rising (Brenton Brown)
You\’ll Come (Hillsong)
Our God is Love (Hillsong)
2 questions for you . . . what is your favorite hymn? What songs have been inspirations to you?
Can\’t wait to hear them!
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