Helping Children Develop Bible Skills
Why Develop Bible Skills
Helping children develop Bible skills is an important part of your ministry. Skills developed as children can extend into adulthood and become second nature. Bible skills can be lots of fun! Use the following suggestions to help children learn to use their Bibles.
- Begin at each child’s individual skill level, regardless of age or grade. While some children have been regular church attendees all of their lives, others may be brand new or attend sporadically. Some children have a better understanding of the Bible and how to locate Scripture passages. Begin with the information children know about the Bible and build on it.
- Explain the purpose of a Scripture reference. Children are not born knowing how to read a Scripture reference. Even older children may have difficulty differentiating between the numbers in a Bible reference. On a single page in the Bible there are page numbers, chapter numbers, verse numbers, and sometimes numbers associated with footnotes. No wonder it may be confusing to children!
- Start with simple tasks. Allow children to become comfortable and proficient at each task before moving to the next.
- Offer a variety of activities that allow children to succeed and have hands-on experiences. Games and other team activities provide "safe" opportunities for children to practice their Bible skills.
- Provide regular practice of Bible skills within the teaching session. Each week Worship KidStyle children have an opportunity to use their Bibles.
Try some of these Bible skill activities. Make a set of Bible Book Flash Cards or purchase the Levels of Biblical Learning Books of the Bible Flash Cards (005397419.
Beat the Clock
- Toss the flash cards on the floor in random order.
- Time the children as they separate the cards into the Old Testament and the New Testament.
- Report the time.
- Replay, encouraging the children to beat their time.
Cups and More
- Gather 66: small plastic cups, self-adhesive labels, marker
- Write the name of each book of the Bible on a label. Insert one label in each cup.
- Place the cups upside down on the table in random order.
- Guide the first child to turn over one cup, read the name, and place it on the table (right side up).
- Direct the next child to select a cup and read aloud the name printed inside. Guide the child to place the cup before the first cup if the book comes before the first one named, or after the first cup if it comes after the first one.
- Continue turning the cups over and placing them in their correct order.
Face Up
- Explain: "I will toss the cards into the air. We will pick up the cards which land face up and put them in order. I will then toss the remaining cards into the air again. We will continue adding the faceup cards until we place all the Bible book names in their correct order."
- Play the game.
Follow the Directions
- Gather: marker, beanbag, small gift bag, scissors
- Draw four large shapes on the poster board. Write 1 statement in each shape (Find It!, Say It!, What’s Before It?, or What’s After It?
- Ensure each child has a Bible.
- Place the flash cards in the bag.
- Place the gameboard on the floor.
- Explain: "One at a time you will toss the beanbag onto the gameboard. You will then select a card from the bag. You must do what the statement tells you to do. For example, if the beanbag landed on "Find It!" you must find the book in your Bible. If it lands on "Say It!" you must pronounce the name of the book. If the beanbag lands on "What’s Before It?" you must tell me the name of the book before the one you selected. If it lands on "What’s After It?" you must tell me the name of the book after the one on the flash card."
- Guide the first child to toss the beanbag on the gameboard and select a flash card from the bag. • Guide the child to do what the gameboard says with the book of the Bible.
- Continue for additional children.
Watch for more Bible skill activities coming this week.
Have a great Bible skill activity? Share it with us!
thanks for the great info. for children’s leaders.
Love love Worship Kidstyle, preschool version. I had 34 kinders in my class yesterday, the best 2 hrs. of my day. Awesome material.