Lots of buzz surrounds a brand new product from Lifeway called The Gospel Project for Kids. You have have heard about it here, on twitter or facebook, or you may have even visited the official site. What in the world does that have to do with camp? Believe it or not, we hear from kidmin leaders all the time who absolutely love the gospel-centered approach CentriKid takes each and every summer and ask how they can find a curriculum that matches. We believe The Gospel Project for Kids is just that — a gospel-centered curriculum for kids that teaches them the story of Scripture in chronological fashion, but most importantly shows how the whole Bible points to Christ.
Just last week, our CentriKid team gathered with some kidmin leader as well as our Bible study writers for 2013 and 2014 to plan the spiritual direction and Bible study outlines for the next two summers of camp. We can\’t wait to help kids see how the Bible is all about Jesus through a week of studying scripture together at camp! Even this summer, you\’ll see some added flavor of this solid new curriculum at CentriKid Camps. You\’ll also see our constant commitment to provide a safe place for kids, to serve churches well, to make the gospel clear to kids through age-appropriate methods, and to continue to build relationships with kids!
We are excited about partnering with The Gospel Project for Kids at CentriKid Camps. What are you waiting for? Go check out CentriKid Camps and go check out The Gospel Project!
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