great way to minister to your community continues to be through the ministry of Vacation Bible School. VBS has been around for over a century, but God continues to use it to bring people of all ages into His kingdom.
While religious education might have been it’s original purpose, God has bigger plans for VBS than just a summer opportunity for young believers to learn more about Him. While this original purpose is absolutely essential, God also uses VBS as a bridge — a bridge to the spiritual orphans. It is absolutely possible to take all the fun and excitement that VBS brings and use it to build those bridges.
Are you interested in knowing how to do that? Have you ever wanted to take VBS at your church and do more than you thought possible? Why not join us at one of our VBS Preview events? We host several around the country and we help you unpack almost every element of VBS. These affordable events really can help you take your VBS to another level.
And if you are someone who can\’t take off work on a Thursday or Friday, we have a brand-new one-day event that takes place on Saturday! We try to pack everything into an 8-hour experience that will give you excitement and encouragement as you begin making your plans to host your VBS in your community. In 2014, we will offer this new one-day experience at our Nashville and Florida locations only. Visit our website for location info and to register today! www.lifeway.com/vbspreview
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