It seems the summer months are busy, filled with meaningful events like Vacation Bible School and camp. At the same time, as a kids ministry leader, you’re planning and preparing for the new ministry year. Below are four tips to help you as you prepare:
- Pray. Make prayer a priority and be spiritually prepared. As kids ministry leaders, we can’t neglect our prayer life and spiritual growth. It helps us set our priorities in our lives and the ministry we lead. It helps us focus on His will and direction. When you pray, do you pray “believing” God hears your prayers and will answer them? Pray with confidence. Involve others in praying for the kids ministry. Consider enlisting a prayer team. Ask them to prayer walk the kids space on Sunday mornings. There may be members of your church who are unable to serve in the kids ministry but would be honored to pray. Ask them to be a part of this team.
- Invite current teachers to help enlist potential teachers. When it comes to enlisting volunteers, you may reach the point where you no longer have names of people to ask. Your current volunteer team knows other church members you may not know. Why not include them in the process of enlisting teachers? Ask teachers to pray about someone who can teach with them in the upcoming year. When you talk with the potential volunteers, make sure to communicate the church’s criteria for teachers.
- Refresh and restock supplies in the classrooms and resource room. With all the different responsibilities of the summer and beginning a new ministry year, ordering supplies may not be a priority. Take time or enlist someone to find out what supplies need to be restocked in the classrooms and resource rooms. Are the markers and glue sticks dried out? Is there enough construction paper? The list goes on and on. This may seem not important to some, but I’ve found it’s the little things like making sure resources are ready and available for teachers that make a difference. We want teachers to be able to focus on teaching and connecting with families.
- Plan trainings for the year. Update and communicate safety and security plans. Make training an integral part of the ministry. Plan how your teachers will receive training during the year. Consider offering live or video trainings, sharing blog articles, and podcasts. is a great resource to find information for these trainings. Additionally, review your policies and procedures for the kids ministry. Update any if needed. Communicate to the volunteers any changes made.
As you begin the new ministry year, celebrate what the Lord is doing. Be intentional to take time each week to thank the Lord for His faithfulness and the many ways He’s working in and through the kids ministry leaders. Share the stories with the church staff and other leaders in the ministry. We all need to be encouraged and remember what a blessing it is to serve the Lord through kids ministry.
Delanee Williams serves as a Ministry Specialist with Lifeway Kids. She is a graduate of Baylor University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Delanee has served in kids ministry for over twenty years and is passionate about developing, equipping and encouraging leaders.