Hey there! This is the first post in a series of five, borrowed from our friend Mary Carlisle over at the CentriKid blog. We\’ll feature 5 different kinds of kids and how to minister especially to them!
If I only had one word to describe ministering to the smart kids in your ministry, it would be CHALLENGE.These types of learners need to grasp the idea, but may be able to do so in a variety of ways. They may "get it" simply by hearing it, seeing it, or being involved and participating in it. They are the kids that think it through and ask the tough questions.
They come in all shapes and sizes… some will be shy and keep to themselves, only asking questions after the lesson is over and they are one-on-one with their teacher, while others may be intensely competitive, desiring to prove their knowledge of the story by answering every question…probably before you finish asking it….and some will be at other point on the spectrum inbetween.
To challenge a smart kid, ask them to memorize the verse for next week or let them be your helper by allowing them to tell the story. Breaking up into small groups to read portions of a passage of Scripture and then talk about it can really be the connecting force for smart kids in your church. Also, always give them a little extra attention by answering their questions and even asking them questions to get them thinking. Talking out ideas will make them concrete and will help them own their beliefs.
How do you minister to your smart kids?
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