Figs and Spider Lilies: Reflections of a Kidmin Leader
This time of year our senses are overloaded with the sweet smells of cinnamon and pine, the contrasting sights of red/green and silver/gold, the …
This time of year our senses are overloaded with the sweet smells of cinnamon and pine, the contrasting sights of red/green and silver/gold, the …
Disclaimer: I am neither a licensed counselor nor a psychologist, just an untrained observer of human behavior. However, over the past few …
Churches throughout the Southern Baptist Convention will celebrate children’s ministry (ages birth—preteen) on Sunday, July 18, 2021. This is a great …
Growing up on the South Plains of West Texas, I always knew that March and April would bring high winds and lots of dust in the air. My mother still …
Life overall is messy, and church life is no exception. In addition, COVID-19 has made both even more messy. What causes the mess? People. One …
Recently, I took two road trips spanning 5 states and traveling a combined 3,000 miles. One trip was over familiar roads, and the other route required …
Christmas season is upon us, and our focus often immediately is on a baby born to a young couple in a stable with itchy hay and smelly animals. We …
At the risk of sounding cliché, preschool ministry looks different than it did before COVID-19 became a household term. One of those differences is …
Get a group of kids ministry leaders together and invariably the twin subjects of enlisting and equipping volunteers emerge. The fact that we’re …
By Landry Holmes This year, many churches have been faced with the challenge of doing VBS differently than before, or not doing it at all. Fortunately …
Everyone’s headed to the beach after VBS, and you’re still teaching a handful of kids on Wednesday night because the volunteers and families have left …
The idea of creating kidmin moments has certainly taken on a new meaning. When I first began thinking about this concept over a year ago, my mind …